
wireless networking, free software, solar power

Introducing zero, defining bottom?

Facebook introduces the free service 0.facebook.com in 45 countries: http://blog.facebook.com/blog.php?post=391295167130 and many authors are discussing its impact on africa* , controversially: http://whiteafrican.com/2010/05/21/facebook-zero-a-paradigm-shift/ http://blurringborders.com/2010/05/20/will-africans-have-a-say-on-privacy/ http://manypossibilities.net/2010/05/facebook-zero-helps-ideas-at-the-bottom-of-the-pyramid-have-sex/ http://www.ictworks.org/news/2010/05/24/4-reasons-celebrate-facebook-zero-africa Not that worried about privacy, as expressed earlier, here: http://form.less.dk/?p=211 – but thinking that moves like this, game changing as they are, define and stabilize bottom-of-the-pyramid as much as they […]

Out to the clouds?

out to the cloud? The following is a collection of considerations and criteria from discussions of cloudsourcing and outsourcing in various organisations, e.g. universities in several countries and places. I will focus these around a question that mnay organisations are facing these days: whether to outsource mail, calendar and related intranet service operations, or run […]

Berkman Center study on global broadband names Open Access as key in broadband success

The draft report is open for comment here: http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/newsroom/broadband_review_draft From the report: “Our most surprising and significant finding is that ‘open access’ policies—unbundling, bitstream access, collocation requirements, wholesaling, and/or functional separation—are almost universally understood as having played a core role in the first generation transition to broadband [dial-up to broadband] in most of the high […]

Nepal Wireless Workshop, September 2009 – Pictures

252 pictures from the Nepal Wireless Workshop, September 2009, are now available here – a detailed report soon to be available.

2 Million downloads for the “green book”

Wireless Networking in the Developing World is a free book about designing, implementing, and maintaining low-cost wireless networks. Since 2008, WNDW.net has served over two million downloads of the book! WNDW is available for free in seven languages. If you haven’t checked it out already, download a copy for yourself.

Interview on freifunk.net

On freifunk and community networking, in german: http://blog.freifunk.net/2009/freifunk-afrika-ein-interview-mit-sebastian-b%C3%BCttrich-von-wirelessdk

Wireless Networking in the Developing World – now in print in 6 languages

The book WNDW is now in print in 6 languages!  English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, and now Indonesian.  Here’s a picture of 5 out of 6 versions wndw in 5 languages Read more: http://wndw.net http://wirelessU.org

Wireless workshop, Nepal, Pokhara, 14-24 September

A workshop on (not only) wireless networking in Pokhara, Sept 14-24, organized by WirelessU NSRC ISOC NepalWireless brings together about 30 participants from a.o. the Nepal Wireless villages, the Nepal NREN, ISOC Nepal, supporters and activists. The first 5 days will be classroom/lab training, followed by deployments in 2-3 villages. The workshop aims at preparing […]

Sengerema Shared Mesh Network – Tanzania’s first of a kind

This project is already a bit older – it was implemented in October 2008. But on the occasion of presenting it at the ICTP Wireless School, and because i feel honoured to have been able to be part of it – here s a presentation of it – pictures mostly, but with many links for […]

South African communications regulator (ICASA) confiscating social entrepreneur Dabba’s WiFi equipment – Media Coverage

Here is a link collection regarding the case of South African communications regulator (ICASA) having sent their enforcers in to confiscate social entrepreneur Dabba’s WiFi equipment. Village Telco Google Group Thread on Dabba Wifi Confiscation —- Dabba’s site: http://www.dabba.co.za/ —- Steve Song writes at Many Possibilities blog, 18 February 2009: http://manypossibilities.net/2009/02/icasa-stealing-from-aids-orphans/ —- Technology news site […]

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